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Have you got your disabled toilet key?

Concerned about getting to the toilet on time while you’re out?
These easy to use keys are being utilised by 400 local authorities in the UK, which means you can mosey around town with a bit of extra gumption, safe in the knowledge that you’ll have access to a disabled toilet if you need one.
A lot of public spaces including shopping centres and parks have designated accessible toilets to accommodate people with disabilities. They’re sometimes locked to prevent misuse and vandalism, but often to keep them clean too. With a toilet key, these bastions of hope will pop open with a simple turn.
Whilst incontinence isn’t a ‘traditional’ physical disability, it does present itself with its own set of ability challenges. If you experience incontinence and there’s a disabled toilet close by, use it.
They’re designed to be easy to find and easy to use. They’re larger than standard keys and come with an easy to grip head that better suits people with physical impairments. Just make sure you remember to bring it with you when you leave the house. Your new mantra: Phone, wallet, keys, toilet key.
Lastly, don’t forget to knock on the door before you unlock it. Although they lock from the inside, sometimes people forget. Just give a couple of knocks before unlocking the door to save you both some embarrassment.