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How do I know if my incontinence pants are the right size?

'Am I wearing my incontinence pants correctly?' - this is something that almost everyone who buys incontinence pants for the first time will be asking themselves. And, to be honest, even incontinence veterans. Managing urinary leakage isn’t simple and if you’re wondering if you’re wearing the right size, we’re here to help.

You can buy the best disposable pants in the world and still find that you’re experiencing leaks if you’re not wearing the right size. The first step is to buy from a reputable brand like Vivactive, they’re super-clear on their sizing and even have downloadable guides that you can follow to make sure you’re putting them on properly. 

What happens if my incontinence pants are the wrong size?

First things first, you'll need to understand why sizing is so important. Pick a size too large and you’ll experience problems. Pick a size too small, and you’ll experience problems. You need to find that Goldilocks zone. 


So, how do you find this elusive Goldilocks size? The answer is simple, try a few different sizes. Initially, you might not like this answer as you’ll need to spend a bit of extra money. But, in the long run, you’ll save yourself a lot of bother as you’ll end up with the right size and free yourself of pesky leaks or skin irritation. Try a size up and a size down, try them on and see if they fit a little better

Issues that you might find if your incontinence pants are too big:

  • Leakage from the leg holes: This is exactly what you don’t want. If urine leaks out of the sides, your clothes are going to get wet and you’ll have to find a way of changing your outfit. 
  • Rustling and discomfort: If there’s too much space around your waistline you might find they move around or even rub against your skin. Nobody wants chafing. 
  • Visible bulges: If your pants are too big, they could create visible bulges or sagging. This can be embarrassing if you’re trying to maintain a decent level of discretion. 
  • Lapse in odour control: Good incontinence pants are usually designed with odour control in mind. If you’re wearing a size that’s too large you might find that odour starts to seep out. Again, not a good look if you’re trying to keep a level of discretion. Not to mention, nobody likes the smell of urine!

Issues that you might find if your incontinence pants are too small:

  • Skin irritation: This is probably the most prevalent issue facing people wearing pants that are too small. If they’re too small you might find that the edges dig into your skin, causing discomfort and in serious cases, even sores. 
  • Restricted movement: If they’re too tight you might find moving around more difficult than usual. 
  • Difficulty putting them on: You may find yourself faffing around trying to get them on, pulling them tight and making them more fiddly than they need to be. Generally, these pants are designed to be easy to get on, so, if you’re finding it difficult, it may be because they’re too small. 
a pretty woman wearing incontinence pants

How to correctly fit my incontinence pants

If you’re wearing your incontinence pants correctly, they should provide a snug fit without feeling tight or restrictive. You should be able to get on with your day without discomfort or leakage. The right fit also gives them a natural look that, as far as others are concerned, shouldn’t look much different to normal everyday pants. 

Incontinence pants are worn like standard briefs but will be pulled up over the hips as well as the waistline. To get this right, you'll need accurate measurements of your hips and waist. Getting this information right will help you choose the perfect size and avoid unnecessary faffing around. Once you’ve got your measurements locked down, you can match them up with the specifications on your pants of choice. 


Taking the time to look at the product specs is an important and often overlooked part of the purchase process. The reason? Different brands may have different definitions of ‘small’. A small for one brand might be a medium for another. While you might have always worn size small jeans, you might find that actually, you need a size medium incontinence pant. 

How to tell if you’re wearing the wrong size pants

To get the most out of your incontinence pants, you’ll need ones that fit correctly. Even if you’re wearing the best incontinence pants, you should familiarise yourself with the signs that you may need to choose a different size. The key issues to look out for are:

  • Leakages,
  • Chafing skin around the groin area or the pelvis,
  • The incontinence pants cause rashes,
  • They feel too tight around the waist,
  • The incontinence pants cause wedgies.

Persisting with ill-fitting incontinence pants will continue to impact your comfort and mindset. Given that bladder weakness can be a permanent condition, make sure you get the right pants for you. Vivactive carries a fantastic selection of incontinence pants, they boast a premium quality, but at a price that’s everyday affordable.