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Incontinence in the workplace
Incontinence is still viewed as something that only affects older people, this simply isn’t true. There are people out there from all walks of life experiencing bladder weakness and bowel problems, a lot of those are people of working age. If you’re reading this right now, there’s a good chance you’re one of those people. Welcome! In this article we’ll be taking a look at how you can manage your incontinence in the workplace.

Plan ahead and be prepared
Planning ahead is your first step to avoiding accidents and leakage at work. Start by identifying the triggers that are causing you to leak and take a note of how often it's happening and how much. Having a strong understanding of your body will help you create a proactive strategy.
- Once you’ve got everything written down, you might be able to identify some trends. For example, you notice yourself having the sudden urge to use the toilet after your morning cup of coffee, but there’s no decaf option in the office. Speak to your line manager and see if there’s anything they can do to help.
- Choose high-quality adult incontinence products that provide reliable protection against leaks and odours. Make sure they’re comfortable and discreet, so you can approach every workday with confidence. Vivactive are industry leading providers of top quality incontinence items and they’ve created a range of discreet underwear for both men and women.
- Bring an incontinence care package with you. I can hear you thinking “What on Earth is a care package?”. It’s a small discreet bag that you can take with you, containing essential items like spare pads, wet wipes, odour-neutralising sprays and a change of underwear. Being fully prepared with spares can alleviate some anxiety if you do happen to have an accident at work.

Communicate with management
Times have changed, incontinence is nothing to be ashamed of. People are talking about their problems more and more, especially incontinence. Open communication is crucial in the workplace, it’s where we spend a massive chunk of our day. Consider confiding in a colleague that you trust, your manager, supervisor, or HR rep who can offer support and understanding. By sharing your situation, you can ensure that you get the help you need, fostering a supportive work environment.
Talking openly about things might also help anyone around you who is experiencing incontinence (or any issue for that matter) and is feeling embarrassed or ashamed. You can be the change you want to see.
Manage your stress levels
Here’s a few stress relieving techniques to try:
- Deep breathing exercises
- Mindfulness meditation
- Take short breaks from your desk to relax and recharge

Dress with incontinence in mind
Choosing the right outfit can make a big difference when it comes to managing your bladder and bowel problems discreetly. By picking the right fit, you can minimise discomfort and anxiety whilst maximising confidence and comfort. So, what clothes to choose as someone with incontinence?
- Choose loose-fitting clothes: If you’re having trouble managing your bladder weakness, then it’s probably best not to put too much pressure on that area. Ditch the super tight trousers and loosen that belt, give your bladder room to breathe.
- Pick a top quality, reliable and discreet incontinence product: If you’re looking for a premium quality product at very affordable prices, then love you’ll Vivactive. We started Vivactive with one goal in mind: bring people confidence, without the cost. Our range of incontinence items is top notch and the price is far lower than what you’d pay in the supermarket.
- Black, blue or pink pants: When we think of incontinence pants, the first colour that pops to mind is white. If you want to add even more discretion to your pants, why not consider going for a black or blue colour instead? Nobody will ever know!